When starting your lessons:
Please ensure you attend your first lesson with both parts of your driving licence, it`s a legal requirement and it may not be possible for your lesson to go ahead without these documents.
Once your licence has been validated, you do not need to bring it with you on each lesson, but please make sure it is kept safe.You will not be able to take your tests without both parts of the licence but if you do lose one or both parts you can apply for another ,though a charge will be made.
You must be able to read a number plate from a distance of 20.5 metres in clear daylight, with or without glasses or contact lenses, if you are unsure we will be happy to visit you before your arranged lesson and give you the test,however should you fail the eyesight test before your lesson commences we regret the lesson will not go ahead. If you are at all unsure we recommend you visit an optician for peace of mind and clarification.
All lessons are recorded on your personal record card, please attend all lessons with this card as it gives you up to date progress it is also an appointment reminder.
Please read the terms and conditions on the card, it relates to all lessons and requirements and standards for booking the driving tests.
An electronic version is kept by your instructor and is availble to view by yourself upon request.